MINNEAPOLIS - Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.
The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.
Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.
“We are confident that this is a reasonable solution for our guests and team members,” Target spokeswoman Paula Thornton-Greear said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press on Saturday.
Greear said it was a localized problem and that it would be handled on a case-by-case basis.
“It is not an issue in most of our stores in the Twin Cities,” she said in separate comments via e-mail. “There is also no indication that this is an issue in the Minnesota market overall or nationwide.”
I don't think it's an over-reaction to be absolutely appalled, disgusted, and downright distraught over such a thing as this. The primary reason immigrants in America have been successful, and consequently, America has been successful, is because immigrants in the past have conformed to the ideal America has presented.
What pains me most when reading a piece of news such as this -- is that these Muslims were very well aware that their job entitled them to not only scan, but also to bag groceries and/or meats that may compromise their belief system. That Target, a "Super Store", would bow to these Muslims in this regard is beyond rationale.
These employees should, like any American, do the job -- or get fired.
I am Muslim immigrant from Tunisia. USA always says it accepts ALL religions. Freedom of religion! Every Sunday you close your schools and close for all christian holidays. that is accomodation of the big shot religion in this country. why not accomodate Muslims in an area with big Muslim population? We no touch pork, unclean. It is great sin for us. What wrong with Target putting Muslim workers in other area or department? If christian say he can not work on sunday for religious reasons, company say ok. If Jehovah witness no want to fight in war, or Quaker, our government say, OK, you consientious objector, no sweat. why only Muslim second class citizen? Because deep down you hate Muslim.
Allahu akbar!
I don't hate any particular religious person -- I may hate the fundamental theology or laws of their religion -- but I do not hate any individual because of their belief.
This is not the issue at hand. The issue is that the Muslim workers did not state that they would not handle the Pork during their interview or hiring process -- nor did they request to be put into a position that would not require them to handle such products.
Maybe they no know that they have to handle pork product when they interviewd for job.. anyway, you no answer my more fundamental question. Why christian holidays general state holidays, schools closed, etc. not Muslim? Christians in many states who oppose abortion and own drug stores no have to sell contraception pills. Catholic hospitals no have to give abortions. How this fair. again, it double standard.
Critical thinking! Critical thinking! Critical thinking! It would take anyone who holds their faith so dearly, to walk around a store for 5 minutes to see that some products they would be forced to handle would infringe upon their faith -- then to inform the manager or those who are hiring that they cannot handle this product because of that. This would prevent both the public outcry of such news as this, and the particular person compromising their faith.
Furthermore, it is not a double standard. A Christian hospital is owned and operated by Christians, and they are not funded by the government. Because of this, the government does not infringe upon their decisions to now allow things that would compromise their faith.
If Muslims opened a hospital and banned abortions, the government would have no legal right to step in, and, they would have absolutely no oversight in such a matter.
As for school closings, holidays, etc.. Well, clearly, the government has been progressing in terms of removing such things. Granted, they are not their yet, but these are not in place to satisfy any particular religion. As our Constitution states very clearly, Church and State should, and must be, separated.
You know Sin, you really in your own little world! You say government is progressing towards removing all prejudicial policies about school holidays, etc. Where? In New Jersey my daughter no have Ramadan off, but little Christian squirts have off Christmas and Easter (joke, because Jesus not die on Cross!!!!!!!!!). I no hear you flappin off about that until I mention it! You no in Michigan. You not know if applicant were made aware of necessity of handlin pork products. these women not rocket scientists! You just mouthing off. This country from beginning have prejudices against other religions except Protestants and Jews. At same time, always talking about religious freedom and separation of church and state! what a crock! Look at how they treated Catholics in 18th, 19th century and even today! what planet you live on? You sound like Zionist Masonic flunky to me under mask of Agnostic crap.
Allahu akbar!
My little world is called, "Earth". You should travel here once in a while, it's beautiful.
As I'm sure you are not aware, I will state for the record, that schools no longer give off for Christmas and Easter, they give off for Winter Recess and Spring Recess. Granted, they fall on the same dates, but we can see that some progress is being made. Things like this do not occur over night.
Know what in Michigan exactly?
I am neither a Zionist or a Mason, and I find these claims to be absurd and ungrounded.
They didn't handle PORK, the pork was sealed in air-tight packages. The fact that they could not handle these air-tight packages is absolutely ridiculous. If they conceded on this point, what's next, allowing Muslims to stop working 5 times a day so they could pray? See where this is leading?
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