Sunday, May 15, 2011

But One Of A Multitude.. Politics On Facebook

To preserve the privacy of those involved, I've decided to use only the first name of those involved in the debate.

This debate was sparked by one mans posting an image of Barack Obama with the slogan, "He is getting my vote in 2012."

The beginning of the debate has been edited out, as we at Sins-Diatribes found the contents meaningless, and quite frankly, childish.

All quotations are presented verbatim -- so please forgive us at Sins-Diatribes for any and all spelling and grammatical errors presented.

Matthew: "No I see both sides and make a sound decision. I know the what the the GOP did to our country. I will never ever want republicans in control again. They are liars who only care about the rich and corporations. They will distort and lie to accomplish their goals. Just look at Fox News. Enough said. I never ever want to be apart of that."
Stephen: "again, you are brainwashed by the liberal idiots, just keep blaming bush, thats all you and them know how to do, oblowma cant hide his bullshit anymore"
Matthew: "im not blaming anyone. He did it. Why should I forget and blame someone who is trying to fix someone else's mistakes. Your logic does not make anysense. All I hear from you is One and Done. Its stupid and shows how little you know. Your like a mouth piece for Fox News. Its sad that rural America buys into that nonsense."
Sin: "Matt, your claim that the GOP "... will distort and lie to accomplish their goals" , pertains just as much to Obama and the Democrats as it does to the G.O.P --- After all, Obama was elected on the premise that our troops would be brought home and the unnecessary war would be ended... Obama lied. 

Not only did he send more troops, but he, against the guidelines of the Constitution, started a bombing campaign of Libya -- a country who has been a puppet of Americas for the last 15 years."

As long as the American public continues to side with either party they will continue to be sheep. Americans need to realize neither party has the interest of the general public in mind when making decisions. Both cater to the rich and corporations. The two party system must end before America can make any progress in rectifying the wrongs that have led our country astray since as early as Wilsons presidency -- if not before.

For every GOP President you name that has mishandled and mismanaged this country during their Presidential reign, I can counter with a Democrat President who is guilty of the same charges.
Stephen: "Finally ,, someone that sees the truth,, I dont support either side, I want them ALL GONE!!! I,m not a Bush supporter, but I am not going to blame everything,, oblowma wastes 17 trillion, and its Bushs fault,, An earthquake happens and its Bushs fault ,, (911 happens,, katrina, the war, and its all Bushs fault,,, when does oblowma take any responsibility for anything ??? Nope he just blames everything on Bush,,, So the floods n tornadoes are bushs fault too,, RIGHT,, They must be because oblowma isint doing ANYTHING about it ,, especially in Texas,, where he KNOWS,, he wont get any votes,, oblowm is a typical liar ,,, scumbag,,, politican !!!!!! ONE N DONE !!!!!"
Sin: "Well, our foreign policy has been leading us into unnecessary wars since Polk sent us to war against Mexico in the Mexican-American war.

I do blame the Iraq-Afghanistan invasions on Bush -- but this does not take anything away from the fact that Obama lied about pulling our troops to get elected.

Both were complicit in the Bail Outs and stimulus that served no purpose, other than to make the rich richer and further burden the backbone of America -- the middle class.

But, as I said, this type of Presidential behavior has been going on for well over a hundred years, and it's unfortunate more Americans don't take the time out to make themselves aware of it."
Stephen: "Bush had to do SOMETHING after 911, and getting saddam wasnt a bad thing, he needed to be dealt with and drawing the terrorists into Iraq to kill them on a battlefield we were already equiped to fight on made sence, we had to go after them. We couldnt just sit idle n take it, the message had to be sent, I think , given the ciecumstances , he did the right thing"
Sin: "I couldn't disagree more.

What many people fail to realize is that Saddam Hussein repressed Islamic Fundamentalists in Iraq. Saddam had absolutely no use for religion whatsoever, especially of the fundamentalist kind.

1/3rd of his cabinet was Coptic Christians, a religion that is now being targeted in a post-Saddam Iraq.

Terrorists did not support Saddam and would not come to his aid. The simple fact is they disliked him as much as they dislike America -- but for different reasons.

The problem is not, as Fox news reports, that Islamic Fundamentalist "..hate our freedom and liberty." The problem is our unending devotion to the state of Israel. That is why Muslims dislike America. This can be summarized as "Blowback", a term that was first used by the C.I.A in 1954 -- it was a term used to describe the potential repercussions of Americas foreign policy -- more importantly, of the missions the C.I.A was carrying out overseas.

Saddam possessed absolutely zero Weapons of Mass Destruction... The fact is the only W.M.D's he ever possessed were given to him by America during the Iraq-Iran war. After the Gulf War(another unjust war) Saddam started to destroy every W.M.D in his possession to appease America. He never wanted war with America and quite frankly, he was terrified of it.

If America truly wanted peace with the Islamic fundamentalist, it would stop meddling around in the affairs of the middle east.

It's time we bring our troops home."
Stephen: "saddam needed to go, he was murdering his own people, and the C I A has proof that he hid the weapons in syria,, He was also funding terrorism,, U cant just sit n wait for this to happen again,, Ther is no appeasing these maniacs, we have to kill them,, or they will kill us."
Sin: "You are giving in way too easily to rhetoric, my friend.

Where is the proof Saddam hid weapons in Syria? Why are we not then, invading Syria? Is it because Syria is our supposed ally? The claim that Syria was hiding weapons for Suddam came from Ariel Sharon, the then prime minister of Israel -- perhaps one of the greatest terrorist to ever live. Unfortunately for your arguments sake, there is no factual evidence to support your claim whatsoever.
Whether or not Saddam was killing his own people (which I disagree upon) -- America has no right constitutionally to attack, or invade, his country.

This whole concept of "nation building" was created by Bill Clinton and it is utterly ridiculous and completely un-American. It is not Americas job to police the world.
Saddam did not fund terrorism, period. If anything, he was totally anti-terrorists. Terrorist, or Islamic fundamentalist (according to the government), were punished in Iraq if found. Saddam had absolutely no use for religious fundamentalists, as I've stated previously.
Furthermore, your last statements wreaks of anti-American sentiment. "We have to kill them, or they will kill us." You sound eerily similar to Nazi and/or Stalinist Russia propaganda machines.

The simple fact is, the Islamic middle eastern countries dislike us because our continued support of the state of Israel and our constant meddling around in their affairs (Refer to the Shah in Iran)...

It's simple -- leave them alone, and they will leave us alone.

Ibid, it is not Americas job to police the world."
Stephen: "wrong,,they started the war, 911, we are at war, wether YOU want to be or not, Leave them alone and they will kill us, its that simple, I hope you never lose a loved one in a terror attack"
Sin: "It's unfortunate the government is able to manipulate people with your mind set, Stephen. You think you are being nationalistic and showing American Pride -- but you are being manipulated.

What you're saying is the polar opposite of what America is about. Preemptive strikes are against the constitution.

You are stereotyping a people based on their religion and claiming, "We need to kill them all..." Do you know who else was guilty of this? Adolf Hitler.

I will rephrase your closing statement and present it to you... I hope you never lose a loved one who is in the military fighting an unjustifiable war we will never see victory in -- unlike the families of all those listed here:"
Stephen: "wrong again, they- ( the terrorists) will kill us, fight fire with fire,, or they will kill us, They started it,, we will finish it,, end of conversation,, nobody is manipulating me,,"
 Sin: "Yet you refuse you answer even my most basic of questions. It's pointless to continue this conversation with you. Sadly, the simple fact is, you are the cliche that is the Ignorant American -- and unfortunately for this country, you are but one of a multitude."