SAINI SUNPURA, India - A baby with two faces was born in a northern Indian village, where she is doing well and is being worshiped as the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess, her father said Tuesday.
The baby, Lali, apparently has an extremely rare condition known as craniofacial duplication, where a single head has two faces. Except for her ears, all of Lali's facial features are duplicated — she has two noses, two pairs of lips and two pairs of eyes.
"My daughter is fine — like any other child," said Vinod Singh, 23, a poor farm worker.
Lali has caused a sensation in the dusty village of Saini Sunpura, 25 miles east of New Delhi. When she left the hospital, eight hours after a normal delivery on March 11, she was swarmed by villagers, said Sabir Ali, the director of Saifi Hospital.
"She drinks milk from her two mouths and opens and shuts all the four eyes at one time," Ali said.
Rural India is deeply superstitious and the little girl is being hailed as a return of the Hindu goddess of valor, Durga, a fiery deity traditionally depicted with three eyes and many arms.
It speaks volumes in terms of a cultures progression when they continually worship those born with deformities.
Your Sinfulness,
Query: who are you to say she is a "deformity?" She is certainly what is called a prodigy, and many pagan cultures believe they are incarnate gods or indication of the gods' will. The Romans put much stock in prodigies of all kinds, and firmly believed they disclosed the approbation or rejection of some human project. They also could indicate future events.
My concern is that with your radical metaphysic--I know, you have transcended metaphysics!--you have no grounds to speak of something being a deviation from human "nature", as if it were something absolute and fixed. Maybe this little girl, with her 4 eyes and noses and assorted lips is a leap in evolution. A couple of extra eyes would be handy! She may be, in fact, the uberfrau! Of course, we are arguing this point "advocatus diaboli."
Nicolas Eymeric
You are absolutely correct in your query. All things that occur in nature, are in fact -- natural.
However, the worship of anyone as a deity or as god is particularly distasteful and "offends ones sense of smell".
Your Sinfulness,
I think you are being somewhat rash. We do not see how you can dismiss, out of hand, the possibility that little "whatever" is in fact the incarnation of the goddess Durga.
You can say, granted, that the worship of a quatrofacialist is distasteful to you. Then again, you adore Pantera, and they look much worse. At most you could argue that you deny the proposition: "little 'whatever' is the incarnation of the goddess Durge." (1) You find the empirical evidence insufficient to support such a claim; (2) there APPEARS to be no means of verifying such a claim based on the empirical method.
The loyal opposition, suffering patiently, awaiting the world-transforming theophany of the Huangdi!
It against the laws of logic for a human being to be in fact, both man and god at the same time. For "A" cannot NOT be "A". How can a "God", who is not finite, become finite, without losing his divinity?
Your Sinfulness,
Let's not get testy!
If we are not mislead in this matter, we are concerned here with a Hindu goddess,one amongst many, who, eo ipso, cannot be infinite. This is not Yahweh God, the To On. That a finite goddess could be reincarnated
into a human body, thereby possessing the personality in some manner--obscure, I confess--is not intrinsically illogical.
We are open to correction.
Then what attributes would be used to define her divinity? What is the claim to this divinity? Is anyone capable of claiming godhead?
You know what, you are the most conceited person I have ever met on the internet! I have worshiped the great goddess Durga for many years and have reaped many benefits, both physical and spiritual from her patronage. How do you know that the little girl is not the reincarnation of Durga! And cut the sin crap---you are probably a real wimp. Best of luck with your blog. Georgia Big Bucchi.
Cooooookie Bookie
Your Sinfulness,
A god amongst other gods cannot, by definition, be infinite. QED
As for Durga, she may have spiritual powers over the phyical and spiritual realm of limited character. That degree of influence would make her A god but not GOD.
For instance, she may be able to influence the passions of men, or the effects of a storm. Verification would be difficult, we grant you. But difficulty in verification is different from illogical.
Nicolas Eymeric
I influence the passions of women -- thus rendering me a god.
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