If this man of particularly repugnant nature, manages, somehow, to be elected the next President of the United States -- He guarantees you -- that he will spend the next 100 years securing the borders of the state of Israel.
Furthermore, he has the Christian right-wing backing him -- Reason enough to reject him outright.
1 comment:
Your Sinfulness,
Once more we must have recourse to a stern correction of your repeated use of inaccurate terminology. Let this serve as the FINAL monition before we are forced to proceed to canonical penalties.
That coven of necromancers and cryptic Gnostics who call themselves,---bien a tort!---the "Christian Right" has no right to the predicate Christian. They are nothing but a tribe, lost we are sure, of displaced, dual dispensationalist Prot-Zionists who worship a disfigured Christ--you coined the phrase--and deny the centrality of Christ for Salvation for ALL MEN, including Jews.
McCain is one of a long line of dupes, convinced that the death of thousands of good American men and women,--- not to mention the squandering of our national wealth--- is necessary for the well being of the West. Little does he know he is, in fact, preparing the way,-- with a great deal of efficiency and energy,-- for the Materialist Messiah, that is the Antichrist.
Nicolas Eymeric
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