Thursday, October 28, 2010

...On The Faith Of Believers And Non-Believers

After much observation I must contend -- it appears that it requires just as much faith to sustain the belief in God, as it does to sustain the total non-belief in God.

If this is in fact true, it conveys the impression that Theists and Atheists are both sheep -- they are simply on different sides of the pasture.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Advice That Destroys A Nation

The following is an direct quote of a Facebook friends status:
 "Fuck society. Fuck normality. Get piercings. Get tattoos. Do drugs. Get high. Drink 'till you pass out. Have sex. Love with all your heart. Play the music loud. Live your fucking life. Fuck what people expect of you. Do what makes you happy."
 Below is my most apt response:
"I always thought it was hilarious how normal the so called different people are. If you get piercings and tattoos, you are essentially the same as everyone else that is getting piercings and tattoos to be different. There really is no normalcy and ad normalcy in America. Granted, there can be eccentrics -- but I think that has more to do with their thought process than their physical appearance.

In regards to the advice: 'Do drugs. Get high. Have sex.' Well, taking this advice is what most young people have done -- and that is why 1 out of every 4 teenagers in America has an STD.

That advice is basically anarchic, childish, immature, and irresponsible. It screams Aleister Crowley without the wit of a, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
I can assure you, almost no one walking around with AIDS and multiple STD's is happy."
Alisteir Crowley -- This is what your advice leads to.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

On Knowledge, its Application, and its Usefulness.

"It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge." -Enrico Fermi

While conversing with a co-worker today, I began to go into a political tangent - and quickly fell into an agitated state. At the conclusion of my tangent, one co-worker who had overheard my knowledgeable arguments said to another, "He's like a walking encyclopedia of useless knowledge." Whilst one could construe such an observation as a compliment, I, in my agitated state -- could do nothing of the sort. To me, it was a synopsis of the ignorance of the modern American mind, and it is to that mind that I present this question -- Can knowledge, no matter the sort, ever be truly useless? 

To those who would deign to answer "Yes",  I present with this quote.

"Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it." -Samuel Johnson

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

On Michael Vick; The Philadelphia Eagles, And Their Fans

The Face of The Devil

For American Pitbull Terrier owners, and dog lovers around the United States, the Philadelphia Eagles recently turned our world upside down. They not only signed Michael Vick, and in doing so, began to nurture his self-destroyed image -- but they named him as their starting quarterback, and thus, the face of their franchise and organization. From a purely football standpoint, this could be understood.

What cannot be understood, however, is how the fans of the Philadelphia Eagles have opened their arms to embrace this criminal -- a man who has been convicted of murdering innocent dogs. Let us elaborate, this man has admitted, under oath, that he has not only shot dogs that either lost a fight, or would not fight -- but that he has also electrocuted them for the same reasons.

This low born, depraved, pathetic individual is now being embraced by the very Eagles fans that picketed around Lincoln Financial Field when the Eagles announced that they had signed him.

What, you may ask, was the cost for which the Eagles fans would sell their souls? Well, the answer is quite simple -- a lousy three point victory over the worst NFL team in the last decade, the Detroit Lions.

The hypocrisy of the Philadelphia Eagles organization was to be expected, they are a business, and they have proven time and again to do whatever they think is most marketable, and profitable, for their franchise.

As for the Eagles fans.. I expected more, even from them. I think those who have supported, or now support, Michael Vick, need to take some quality time to themselves and reflect on their most distasteful decision -- and ask themselves -- Does marketability supersede morality? Is the success of a football team really worth abandoning their principles? And, is the success of a football team worth setting back a gold standard of our culture and civilization - that dog is, in fact, man's best friend?

Michael Vick -- If you support him, you support this.