Thursday, October 14, 2010

Advice That Destroys A Nation

The following is an direct quote of a Facebook friends status:
 "Fuck society. Fuck normality. Get piercings. Get tattoos. Do drugs. Get high. Drink 'till you pass out. Have sex. Love with all your heart. Play the music loud. Live your fucking life. Fuck what people expect of you. Do what makes you happy."
 Below is my most apt response:
"I always thought it was hilarious how normal the so called different people are. If you get piercings and tattoos, you are essentially the same as everyone else that is getting piercings and tattoos to be different. There really is no normalcy and ad normalcy in America. Granted, there can be eccentrics -- but I think that has more to do with their thought process than their physical appearance.

In regards to the advice: 'Do drugs. Get high. Have sex.' Well, taking this advice is what most young people have done -- and that is why 1 out of every 4 teenagers in America has an STD.

That advice is basically anarchic, childish, immature, and irresponsible. It screams Aleister Crowley without the wit of a, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
I can assure you, almost no one walking around with AIDS and multiple STD's is happy."
Alisteir Crowley -- This is what your advice leads to.

1 comment:

Nicolas Eymeric said...

While many young Americans are following the advice of this "young lady"---I use this term advisedly!--Chinese youth are pursuing their studies, exerting self-control, and preparing the way for the ascent of their nation to glory and power. Piercing, fucking, and putting balls through hoops do not make a nation. In fact, this pernicious philosophy, which has its origins in the 60's debacle, has already produced a pathetic, cringing, helpless generation of fools and mental defectives. "I can't help it if I got knocked up", "I can't help it if I squandered my high school years getting high and performing fellatio", "I can't help it if I gambled away my retirement fund"---etcetera, et alia.
Even the animal kingdom--which is supposedly inferior to the human species--provides for the preparation of its young for the cruel exigencies of life through stern and uncompromising measures and rigorous training.
This poor girl,-- picking at her syphilitic lesions and trying to inject heroin into her earlobe--- is on a downward course that leads to the fate of Kurt Cobain--dead in his 30's with his brain splattered by drugs and "hard livin." Nicolas Eymeric