Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden Is Dead, Again, Which Begs The Question...

Apparently, him dying once already was not enough.

Now he is dead, again.. Which begs the question...

With the second death of Osama Bin Laden, who will the United States Government use as a scapegoat the next time they decide to bog us down into yet another unnecessary war?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your site by accident, and I am sorry I did. It makes me sick! Some of the statements on your site are pure anti-semitism. Osama bin Laden WAS a danger to US and our way of life. He also was a danger to the state of Israel--- that is, buddy, the ONLY WESTERN STYLE DEMOCRACY in the Middle east. Israel's interests and those of the US are ONE. HEAR THAT, ONE!! Osama was not a "pretext" for war, but a valid reason for war in defense of US values and Israel's future.
I served in the Israeli army as a US volunteer or 4 years and lived on a kibbutz. The US has a spiritual and moral obligation to defend Israel against anyone who threatens her.That's the least the US can do after allowing 6 million Jews to die in ovens. Period.
So take your childish, racist ideas and a stuff them. Thank God for Fox News and its fair, objective coverage of this issue. (And I am not afraid to use my name like some of the pussies that go on your site). Chaim Potok